What does period pain feel like?

Sidhi Gupta (Puja)
3 min readDec 14, 2021


Period pain.

Wholeheartedly, this blog is self-expression. The talk that I make with my heart and mind during my bleeding days, the period pain. I’m not gonna write about the hormonal changes, and the changing phase causing the lining of the uterus to build up.

To all intents and purposes, I’m here to share this segment of life that actually feels like “installment on a monthly basis.” I’m extremely enmesh that I’m using such a word, after all, I greeted my red-lining while account practice. Something like a red carpet, and actually it is, your panties get the red spot or just the heavy flow.

Well, if you want to read some facts and experiences shared by young girls and enjoy some creativity. Here’s the link and it is mind-blowing, you must check this. Kumariandhermooncycle (An Adventure story about the magic of Menstruation, Illustrated by 80+ women.)

The Conversation,

Period pain, cramps are easier said than done. Every month, my mind revolves around the date, making me feel like a blessing in disguise. Honestly, I never googled the role of serotonin but every time I blamed this cycle.

I know, actually, we all know, it’s a natural cycle of releasing the tissue, our body making a place for the future coming result of sex. And, we cannot abort, I heard, I’m not allowed to think even that. (the South-Asian concept)

Ummm…yea, it’s my cycle day 1 and the lining of my uterus is breaking down slower than the mood and bloating and cramp and tender breast and a lot.

PMS is emotionally debilitating for me. These wild mood swings, crying spells, outbursts, and the thought of being single just add the extra cheese over my emotional state-all in one day. How I’m supposed to react? Do you guys also go through such a phase of irritability? — I understand you all!

But, why does my mind gets occupied with the thought of being alone? Is this normal? Or, I just look around to talk so that I can feel a little better, this is the reason I guess. No wonder, we all want to share our things, being understood, especially during these days.

Someone to hold and replace the hot-water bag and the painkiller with talks. The slow cuddle like wild and woolly. And, the milk chocolate truffles from a turtledove. Someone who can bear the monthly bother and inspire me to live this. Because this all happens in just one day and the next morning I’m back to a stable emotional state.

The luteal phase after ovulation brings the PMS with anger. And, we often don’t realize until the red spot is there. Oooh…I was behaving like this because of PMS?-maybe. You have to remember the date darling! (next month same schedule, you may forget but PMS never until you’re pregnant, LOL)

Do you guys have also the thought of “pregnancy is easier than period pain, at least no PMS and all for nine-month? Sorry..but I have. Let me add one more, during my hostel days, I used to say, I would love to be the boy just for the one-first day of the period cycle. And, the next morning, I’m no longer the girl drained in blood and emotional instability.


Initially, everything was normal. The slight pain and irritation were only there. But with time, It felt like heavy rain refusing to calm. I started having a vomiting tendency, dizziness, restlessness, bloating, over-sensitivity, and anger on top. I almost struggled every month to survive. And, whenever I tried to share with my friends, they replied, “ We all go through the same pain, don’t overreact.”

Maybe it was the same, but that was unbearable for me. The process of breaking and expelling is the same, my darling. But the symptoms and disbalance are not.

To read the full blog, please visit the link.




Sidhi Gupta (Puja)

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